News and Announcements

Our next meet is the October Spooktacular Swim Meet that we host at the CCISD Natatorium. We are in the process of completing all the entries for the meet. If you have not sent your meet entries to your coach, please do so asap.

Here are the 7 Cardinal Sins of Mindset in Swimming and Diving:

1. Indifference/Apathy – There’s no room for these feelings if you want to develop your skills and improve your performance. Always put in 110%.

2. Stubbornness – Being stubborn leads to being uncoachable, which leads to being unsuccessful. Be open-minded and you might be exposed to a new skill or technique that you would’ve otherwise ignored.

3. Pride – It’s ok to be confident in yourself, but don’t let that confidence make you be obnoxious or prideful. Being prideful will lead to silly mistakes and potential embarrassment.

4. Self-Doubt – It’s easy to be overly critical toward yourself. Just focus on the positive things about yourself.

5. Cautiousness – If you’re too hesitant, you miss out on key opportunities and leave room for the other athletes to close the gap. Be a little risky.

6. Perfectionism – Be careful when setting goals because you don’t want to force high expectations on yourself. It’s ok to make mistakes and to continually work on being a better athlete. Michael Phelps stated, “I knew I was not a failure in any way, and so did those close to me. It doesn’t matter if you fall short; it is never a failure to go after goals with everything you’ve got.” Mistakes are going to happen, they should be viewed as a source of motivation and a means of learning. Plus, once you’re a “perfect” athlete, it’ll become boring!

7. Over-seriousness – You should compete because you like it and you enjoy it. If you take it too seriously, you lose some of the enjoyment and add extra stress on yourself. At times like this, try to remember why you started swimming or diving in the first place.

We are hosting the October Spooktacular Swim Meet at the CCISD Natatorium on October 19-20, 2019. Please let your coach know if you are planning on attending this meet. We are hosting this meet, so please volunteer to help us host a great meet for our swimmers and the visitors to our city! Please let Coach Jackie know how you can help with the meet. We will need help in hospitality, concessions, set up and pull down as well as runners during the meet. We look forward to some great time drops at this meet!

The document CCAA-CEM_October_2019_Meet.pdf was attached to this post.

Some of our swimmers traveled to San Antonio to compete in the Sombrero Uno Swim Meet this last weekend, September 21-22, 2019. The swimmers competed in 19 events for the first time and out of a total of 54 individual events dropped time in 51 events and had one disqualification from a one hand touch. The largest time drop for the meet was Jonah Shelton in his 500 Free with a 56 second drop. The biggest percentage drop was Ahtziri Diaz in her 25 free with a 43% time drop. We are very proud of our swimmers! Every swimmer dropped time in the meet in multiple events. We have attached the meet results below. Great job swimmers!

The document ccaa-cem_results_by_name_sombrero_uno.pdf was attached to this post.

1. Getting involved in the hype by reading the papers and/or looking up your stats. After your season is over, then you can check this stuff out. During the season, focus on always improving.

2. Associating with negative people. They will slow you down and taint your progress during the season. Keep your distance from them.

3. Making any particular event or meet “special.” All competitions and practices are important, but nothing is ever special. Special adds pressure. Treat everything the same to stay consistent.

4. Believing ANY opponent you face is unbeatable. There are countless examples of the underdog succeeding – David and Goliath, The Movie “Miracle”, etc. It’s possible for you too.

5. Getting hung on the past or worrying about the future. Only worry about the present and how you can do your best at this moment.

6. Under any circumstances using the word CAN’T. Don’t ever say that word!

7. Dwelling on a setback or loss. The best way to get over a loss is to learn from it. Grow from the mistake and use it to your advantage.

8. Focusing exclusively on winning or titles. Also note when you reach new milestones or personal achievements – they are important too!

9. Competing not to lose. Not losing shouldn’t be your goal – always play to win and achieve your goals.

10. Using extreme self-talk that puts extra pressure on you. Don’t use words like “must,” “should,” or “need to.” Instead, say “I want” and “I choose.”

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